The Southern Africa Science Service Centre for Climate Change and Adaptive Land Management (SASSCAL), a consortium under the Global Monitoring for Environment and Security and Africa (GMES & Africa), is co-hosting the GMES & Africa southern African regional stakeholder workshop on Earth Observation (EO) technologies to be held from the 4th to the 6th of September, 2024 in Mombasa, Kenya.
Under the theme: “Enabling Sustainable Development and Inclusive Growth Using Earth Observation Technologies Towards Agenda 2063,” the workshop will be co-hosted by the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) at the PrideInn Paradise Beach Resort & Spa. The meeting will be attended by regional partners and stakeholders from southern Africa as well as international delegates from Europe and Africa. This includes the member countries’ policymakers, members from the Southern African Development Community countries, public and private sector stakeholders, technical implementers, basin commissions, researchers and other stakeholders whose activities are related to coastal areas, rivers and their ecosystems.
The workshop seeks to facilitate cross-fertilisation of information and knowledge on new and innovative EO technologies that were developed under the programmes and their alignment with the region’s sustainable development strategies. Moreover, it aims to promote and encourage mutual exchanges in terms of sharing best practices, knowledge and experiences in EO strategies and technologies.
SASSCAL will be showcasing new products and services produced after the enhancement of the geoportal produced in phase I.
The GMES and Africa initiative is a programme formed out of the cooperation between Africa and Europe, with a focus on Earth Observation (EO) systems. Co-funded by the African Union Commission and European Commission, the program was formed to respond to the global need to manage the environment, understand and mitigate the effects of climate change and ensure civil security by providing information to policymakers, scientists, the private sector and the public. GMES and Africa which is currently implementing its phase II, aims to promote the development of local capabilities, institutional capacity, and access to technical resources to develop EO-based services for sustainable development in Africa.
SASSCAL is the implementing institution for the Wetland Monitoring and Assessment Service for Transboundary Basins in Southern Africa (WeMAST), a project approved under GMES & Africa that has developed an integrated platform with data products and tool for wetland monitoring and assessment that will support sustainable wetlands management systems. The platform is continually being improved in response to the end user’s feedback.
For enquiries, contact:
Sharon Kavhu Communications & Marketing Consultant for WeMAST,